Admission Process

Upon receiving a referral, all relevant documentation will be requested from the placing authority, and a meeting will then be held by the Responsible Individual and/or Appointed Home Manager to assess if the home can successfully meet the needs of the child.

A pre-placement planning meeting will be held with the Appointed Home Manager, the placing Social Worker, and any other relevant professionals, including Police, Health, Education, or Safeguarding to discuss the Care and Support Plan, to ensure that all local services that are able to support the placement and child, are in place and corporate parenting responsibility is met.

 An Impact Risk Assessment and Location Risk Assessment will be carried out by the Appointed Home Manager as an immediate action following this meeting to identify any potential risks, enabling us to comprehensively assess the suitability of our home for the individual. The Impact Risk Assessment and Location Risk Assessment will identify how we will manage these risks whilst the child is living at the home.

Our decision to accept the placement will then be shared with the placing authority, if acceptance is agreed relevant parties will be updated.

The child/young person will be given the opportunity to visit the home so that they can familiarise themselves with the home, any peers already in placement, and give an initial guidance to us as to how they want to put their own style on their bedroom and other areas of the home. The child will be provided with a Welcome Information Pack about the home, this will include the following guidance: information about the care we provide, facilities in the local and surrounding areas, how to raise a concern or make a complaint, information about the availability of advocacy services and any other relevant policies.  Hanbury Care also have a Welcome Video, this provides information as in the written Welcome Pack, but in a fun and intuitive format for children and young people.

Introductions between the child and staff, including the Appointed Manager will be an expectation; this will ensure that we afford the child/young person with the best opportunity to meet those who will care and support them, and to start building initial relationships.

An initial Child Centred Personal Plan will be prepared and uploaded to our ClearCare Management System, prior to commencement of the provision of care and support, and reviewed with the child and placing authority within 7 days of admission, these will then be completed every 3 months thereafter in consultation with the child/young person, relevant family members, Social Worker, Key Worker, Home Manager, and any other relevant professional, such as education, Police or Youth Offending Services (YOS).

Every child/young person will be designated a suitable Key Worker, in line with the child’s needs and interests, and staff areas of expertise.

Urgent Admissions - The Appointed Manager can grant admission following the Impact Risk Assessment and Location Risk Assessment.

Respite Admissions - Hanbury Care are a mid to long term only placement currently.

Please contact us using the form below should you wish to make a referral for admission.